A groundbreaking gene therapy trial has restored hearing in both ears of five children born deaf, offering new hope for future treatments. The children, aged between one and eleven, suffered from genetic mutations that disrupted the production of a crucial protein needed for auditory signals to travel from the ear to the brain. Researchers at...
The Altamira Cave, declared a World Heritage Site in 2008, faces a constant challenge due to the impact of the interest generated by its uniqueness. Since its discovery in 1868 by Modesto Cubillas, the cave has been a subject of study and admiration both by the public and researchers. Its significance lies in the exceptional...
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An international team of astronomers has announced the discovery of exoplanet WASP-193b, a gas giant located approximately 1,200 light years from Earth. The discovery, made through the SuperWASP project (Wide Angle Search for Planets), reveals a planet notable for its size and unique characteristics. WASP-193b is about 1.5 times larger than Jupiter, the giant of...
Biodiversity loss stands out as the primary catalyst behind the surge in infectious disease outbreaks, rendering them more dangerous and easily widespread, as revealed by a recent study. The emergence of new infectious diseases, frequently rooted in wildlife, is on an upward trajectory. In a comprehensive meta-analysis published in Nature, scientists identified biodiversity loss as...
A scientific team from Hospital del Mar, in Barcelona, has made a discovery that could change the way we treat breast cancer. It is a type of lymphocyte (white blood cell), which appears to have a crucial role in the fight against this disease. This study, published in the Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer...
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In a pioneering breakthrough in the field of quantum computing, a team of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute has achieved an unprecedented milestone by converting light into sound. Spearheaded by renowned scientist Mads Bjerregaard Kristensen, this achievement promises to be a catalyst for the practical realization of the quantum internet, an ultra-secure and ultra-fast...
Physical contact has long been recognized for its remarkable health benefits. From hugs to simple gestures of affection, touch plays a crucial role in the physical and mental well-being of individuals. This fundamental aspect of social interaction triggers a complex neuronal process that has immediate effects on the body. Scientific research has shown that social...
In a recent scientific advance that promises to revolutionize the treatment of spinal cord injuries, a research group from the Madrid Institute of Materials Science (ICMM-CSIC) has developed an innovative and revolutionary hydrogel. This material allows neural cells to be grown under magnetic fields, thus allowing a targeted and efficient approach in the administration of...